In the upper Mid-West and East Coast, many superintendents are now well into the 'catch-up' phase of spring management programs. After a winter that would not relent, into an active spring severe storm weather pattern with warm muggy air masses, the turf has really 'taken off', so to speak. Obviously, a true spring weather pattern will be compressed in duration this year, as longer range forecasts look like a summer weather pattern will become dominate very soon.
Playing 'catch-up' is never ideal and it frustrates the proper timing of maintenance practices that work better when they are properly spaced out over several days and even weeks. Consequently, turf managers must be fast on their feet, yet not loose sight of the overall objectives and the things that need to be done. Further, those practices that should be imposed PRIOR to the onset of stressful weather, must still be fitted into maintenance schedules.
The soil temperatures have risen dramatically in the last seven to ten days and as a result, annual grassy weeds have been germinating rapidly and vigorously, Poa annua seedheads have emerged with abandon, and accelerated vertical growth rates are consuming carbohydrates almost as fast as the turf can produce them. All of these factors bring me to the subject of pro-active management. Regardless of what Mother Nature might throw at us, we have to adapt, make changes, re-set priorities at times, and keep our eye on the target. We cannot sit back and react to our circumstances, rather we must attempt to stay ahead of those things that are happening to us in order to prepare the turf for what might be lurking on the horizon.
For example, everyone has now been exposed to the term pre-stress conditioning in one way or another. The drivers for pre-stress conditioning are the conservation of carbohydrate and the inclusion of bio-stimulant type chemistries that contain anti-oxidants and cytokinins to supplement the nutritional diet of the turf. The conservation of carbohydrate is best achieved through the use of plant growth regulators, which reduces growth which, in turn, reduces consumption of the carbohydrate the turf has been working hard to produce. The bio-stimulant products containing anti-oxidants and cytokinins improve the turf's natural defense mechanisms, and keep the turf in the strongest possible position for the continued production of new roots when adverse conditions develop ( rapidly accelerating soil and air temperatures). In order for these practices and additions to the maintenance schedule to be the most affective, they must be initiated prior to the onset of adverse environmental conditions (hence the term pre-stress conditioning).
Keep managing Mother Nature the best that you can and remember that being pro-active is the best way to accomplish that goal...
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